Time to finally update the blog!
So far I've been trying to keep all my updates on facebook or tumblr, naively thinking that nobody would really check blogger anymore, but other than that, statics shows different and so this community is still alive and hungry. Good stuff!
Here is a project I did at TheMill almost a year ago. The task was to design a couple of backgrounds for the new trendy Mercedes A Class series. The director had already something on mind, so it was an easy shot.
I have to say I really enjoyed working on this project.. and really happy with the work the supertalented Dan Moore did transforming my concept into a real 3D model.
For more info, please check http://www.themill.com/work/mercedes-hungrig.aspx
Mercedes Benz A Klasse "Hungrig" Webspecial
from nhb studios on Vimeo.